Summer Childcare Camps

Join us for Sporting Fun at our Out of School Care Camps

This camp is programmed for Kindergarten to Grade 6 students with a balance of sports, games, activities, free play, and outside time with a focus of movement and fun. Each week guarantees an abundance of sports which may include basketball, soccer, ball hockey, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, lacrosse, dodgeball, handball, and wildball.  The sport part of the day will have the instructors teaching skills, rules, tactics, strategies, and basic play.

These camps can be signed up for by the month or week.


Grade 1 - 6: $850 per month or $275 per week

Kindergarten and Preschool children - $326.25 per month, $230 if the child will be attending a minimum of 50 hours but less than a full month.

We follow Alberta’s Early Learning and Child Care Affordability Funding Program.

Register by filling out the form below for the location you wish to attend.

**The Westmount Fitness Club location is able to register a limited number of 3 and 4 year old children.

Please phone the office 780-452-1266 to verify availability for preschool children. There is a price difference for these children.